House of Cards

House of Cards

Feb. 01, 2013
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9.8 6 votes



Robin Wright isClaire Underwood
Claire Underwood
Michael Kelly isDoug Stamper
Doug Stamper
Constance Zimmer isJanine Skorsky
Janine Skorsky
Derek Cecil isSeth Grayson
Seth Grayson
Boris McGiver isTom Hammerschmidt
Tom Hammerschmidt
Lars Mikkelsen isViktor Petrov
Viktor Petrov
Greg Kinnear isBill Shepherd
Bill Shepherd
Diane Lane isAnnette Shepherd
Annette Shepherd
Cody Fern isDuncan Shepherd
Duncan Shepherd


Um político inescrupuloso não mede esforços para conquistar o poder nos EUA neste drama vencedor do Emmy e do Globo de Ouro.

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House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
House of Cards
Título original House of Cards
TMDb Rating 8.1 1,674 votes
Primeiro ep. Feb. 01, 2013
Último ep. Nov. 02, 2018
Temporadas 6
Episódios 73
Duração média 50 minutos

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